Support us - make a donation

Stiftung Schweizer Chirurgen in Äthiopien

We need your donation in order to be able to maintain the hope for people in Ethiopia, disabled by an accident.
Your Donation
Donate as much as you can, because with us donations arrive. Less
30.00 CHF
Finances an operation for an Ethiopian patient.
Leg prosthesis & rehabilitation
100.00 CHF
Donate so that a person can walk again. Finances an injured person's leg prosthesis and rehabilitation. Less
Above-knee prosthesis
200.00 CHF
Your donation covers the cost of producing an above-knee prosthesis. Less
Support families
300.00 CHF
Your donation changes the life of 10 Ethiopian families. Less
Prosthetic support
1,000.00 CHF
Your donation provides prosthetic support to all amputees in an average Ethiopian village. Less
Swiss surgeon for a month
3,000.00 CHF
Cover the operational costs of a Swiss surgeon on site per month. The triple effect makes this donation particularly efficient: The patient is professionally cared for to the highest standards, the local medical staff at the university learns from experienced Swiss professionals, and the Swiss surgeons accumulate priceless experience. Less
Dermatome for skin grafting
10,000.00 CHF
With the aid of this handy precision device, skin can be removed and transplanted over a large area. More than 500 patients a year receive skin grafting at the hospital in Jimma, which drastically reduces infections and wound healing disorders. Less
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